Practice is vital to your success as a basketball player. However, why practice if you are not doing it properly to start? You will also find out which skills are most important.
When you’re passing the ball, make sure that you pass the ball to the location of where the person should be headed. You don’t want your pass to be the reason a person needs to slow down or double back. Your pass should be aimed for a little bit in front of the person that you are passing to.
When rebounding, start moving as soon as the shooter uncoils. When you react and move quicker, you better anticipate their moves and get more rebounds. When they start to uncoil, start contact by blocking them out. Make sure to do the same thing on offense since the shooter will most likely try to uncoil after the rebound. This can boost your number of rebounds.
If your child has a hard time learning to dribble a basketball with their fingertips, you can try using naugahyde gloves. They will help them learn proper dribbling since it forces them to use their fingers instead of their palms. Eventually, they will learn to just use their wrists and fingers. You can find these gloves in sporting goods stores or online.
It is not always necessary to dribble the ball. In fact, you should only dribble it when it is part of your play. For instance, you will want to dribble the ball when you are trying to get the ball up the court, to get in a position for passing, or to get the defense off you.
Try playing basketball games alone before and during the season. Sometimes during off season, or when practicing, you can’t play as a team or find even a single opponent. This is just fine. There is still much you can accomplish playing alone. Practice pivoting or you can practice doing free throws. Many things can be practiced.
Never leave the practice court without taking some practice shots. Do some free throws, lay-ups and 3-point throws every practice before you leave. Of course you are doing some shooting during practice, but this additional practice will help you in the long run. Keep practicing your shooting on a daily basis.
Find out what your teammates like most about how you play? What are your your best skill areas? Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will allow you to develop your skills to become an all around better player. Improve the skills where you tend to be a bit weaker while maintaining your stronger skills.
Use two hands when trying to make shots. Have both thumbs on the ball so that they are almost touching. Put the ball over your head but be sure you are able to see what you are aiming for. When you shoot, aim for the backboard or give it a backspin by rolling your hands down while shooting.
There are some drills you can practice to help you become a better player. For example, power crossovers: first, dribble with your right hand hard, and then quickly move the ball to your left hand. Repeat while passing the ball back to your right hand. This will make you a better at crossovers.
When it comes to making the shot, the key is to hold the ball the right way. Practice makes perfect, so hold your hands like they are claws and space out your fingers. Hold the ball with your fingers, not your palm. Hold the ball in your hand while watching TV to build your muscles.
Move without the basketball. Running the baseline has advantages. You can possibly lose your defender in the paint for a second and become open. At the very least you might distract the ball defender’s attention for just a second. Even if you can’t get open, set a screen for who has the ball.
If you can dribble with both hands, you will truly be a threat to the opposing team. You can go left or right around a guard without worrying about losing the ball. Practice dribbling with both hands at the same time to build your skill without staring at the ball.
Only cease dribbling when you are prepared to shoot or pass. You have few options remaining to you after you stop dribbling. If you don’t shoot or pass, you can only pivot using your back foot. When you do this, your opponents can double team you and steal the ball.
Your diet plays a major role in your health and success on the basketball court. Complex carbohydrates and protein will give you energy to ensure that you get through a long, fast-paced basketball game. Good additions to your daily diet include whole grain bread, lean chicken and nuts. Conversely, avoid salt and sugar whenever you can.
It doesn’t matter how often you play basketball, the tips in this article will better your game every time you play. Begin with a single concept and see the improvements take hold. You can play much better basketball by using the tips provided.